Wedding Cake Design Consultation Mastery

A done-for-you template & video tutorial to guide you with all the questions you need to ask during your wedding cake design consultations

Done-For-You Template Summary

Increase your confidence with this this done-for-you PDF template (with a video tutorial). It is an invaluable & essential document to have in your business. Giving you the peace of mind you have everything covered for both you and your clients wedding order.

If you feel quite shy talking to strangers or if you worry about what to ask to get the information you need, are scared you will forget to ask something, or even if you just want to be more organised & keep all your wedding cake consultation notes for your clients in one easy to use document -  This template & tutorial is for you!

I will guide you through the questions to ask & point to cover with your clients so you have all the information you need. You can either print copies out to use or make notes directly in the sheets and I will show you how to do this and guide you talk you through doing a wedding cake consultation in the video tutorial included. "PREPARATION INCREASES YOUR CONFIDENCE"

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Wedding Cake Design Consultation Mastery


  • A done-for-you template to guide you with all the questions you need to ask & make notes during your wedding cake consultation

    • 4 page Done-For-You PDF template to follow & edit during consultations
    • Feel confident you will ask all the right questions & get the info you need
    • A video to show you how to use the template
    • Includes all the questions & point to cover with your clients
    • Use it to understand your clients cake wishes & provide a 5 Star service
    • Guides you through the order to ask the questions naturally
    • Print off the PDF or type directly into the sheet, make & save copies
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Sally Catlow